
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happiness - 2

  • Happiness is my birthright.

  • I forgive myself for all of my mistakes--and celebrate the lessons they let me learn.

  • I am enough.  

  • What other people think of me is none of my business.

  • When in doubt, breathe.

Happiness - 1

The yamas for a happy, better life :)

  • Truthfulness
  • Non-harming
  • Non-stealing
  • Greadlessness
  • Sexual Responsibility

Dealing with Tragedy

Dealing with Tragedy - Really good, valuable  blog post from Spoiled Yogi.( This teaches us many things about the life.

I watched the news coverage in horror last week. Like most of the country, I was stunned and confused. How could anyone harm children as young as the victims in the school shooting in Connecticut? My mind raced as the reporters painted an all-too-real picture of the events that had taken place. I imagined how scared those children must have been—both the victims and the survivors. I thought about the teachers in the school that day, and I wondered how I would have handled being in that situation. I thought about the parents getting an email notifying them that their child’s school was on lock down. I felt the grief of the first responders. I felt sad for the shooter’s family and imagined how they must be feeling as the media painted their loved one as a monster. It was almost too much to bear. I turned off my TV.
I asked myself: Could feelings of such overwhelming sadness and hurt in my heart do more harm than good? Is it healthy to dwell on the bad things in the world? I realized that sitting in front of the TV with my mouth open didn’t do anything but leave me feeling melancholy and hopeless. And, frankly, in this situation the last thing the world needs is more darkness.
After such a tragic event, it’s hard to feel positive about the world we live in. But through my yoga practice, I’ve found that it is possible to maintain a hopeful optimism for the future. While I know I can’t control the world around me, I have some control over my own feelings and actions. I can’t stop bad things from happening, or undo the bad things that have already happened, I but can do my small part to bring about change. I remind myself of how the tiny changes in alignment (those little shifts that aren’t even noticeable to the untrained eye) can totally change the way I experience a pose over time. And I know that the little things we each do to support each other every day can have the same type of effect on the world.
Bad things happen. Sometimes they hit closer to home than others. We can look at it as a sign that the world is a bad place, unsafe for our children. We can get angry. Or we can use it to motivate us all to be kinder, more generous, and more loving so that the world will be better for all.
With that in mind, I unroll my mat. I breathe. I feel. I hope for peace.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to Install a Magento Extension Using FTP

I had to install a magento extension using FTP recently. These 2 blog posts helped me immensely regarding that.

If you refer these two blogs I am sure you would be able to manually install an extension manually even though you are not a hardcore magento guy.

Magento extensions are normally developed to install through magento connect. But sometimes you will have to install the extension manually using either FTP or SSH. It is said that it's not good to install too many extenions using Magento Connect. Your magento Site could crash.

Magento extensions come up with file structure. You have to upload to the correct location of your magento site installation.

Important things to consider when manually installing a magento extension.

1.) Don't install the extension without testing that in a testing site. Don't install the extension in a live site without testing. Results of the badly design extension could be catastrophic.

2.) Disable the cache prior to the installation.
        (System->Cache Management), selecting all caches, clicking ‘disable’ from the drop-down menu, and submitting the change.

3.) Disable the compilation mode.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Issues you might face when Setting Up Magento in GoDaddy Shared Hosting

Magento is a powerful open-source ecommerce web application. Recently I hosted magento in a Godaddy. While setting up magento in godaddy I ran into various issues. Here are some of the issues I faced and How I resolved them

1.) When site is installed you get the message "No input file specified"
To resolve that you should renam php.ini file in web directory to php5.ini. And you should put cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 top of the php5.ini file. If you are still getting the error add this "Options -Multivies" to the top of .htaccess .

2.) Added products are not displayed in the front end of the site
Most possible cause can be when adding the product setting Stock availability option to "Out of Stock" in inventory section

3.) Added Images are not displayed in the front end
Image size should be around very lower(less than 40kb). You should remove .htaccess file
located in the media folder.

4.) When you try to access the site or admin panel you get the message "The Server is temporarily unable to service your request"
This happens when your store has been put to maintenance mode. To resolve this you have to delete maintenance.flag in the root directory.

5.) If you want to install Sample data from Magento run that script from phpmysql admin first of all. If you install sample data later you might end up with various errors.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Date Selector - Silverlight Custom Control

I have created a silverlight custom control which can be used to select date in a user friendly way. It is similar to date selector control available to set birth date in facebook registration. Standard date picker control in silverlight and WPF is not user friendly and user has to perform several clicks to select a date. This control is skinable. I have open source it and hosted in codeplex. Hope to add localizations very soon. Contributions and ideas are Welcome :).